Friday, January 21, 2011

Keats This Week (1/15/2011 - 1/21/2011)

Keats is getting more confident with walking. He recognizes how excited we all are with each tiny step (which is usually when he loses control and flops to the ground).

Every night before going to bed, Birch reads That's Not My Dinosaur and Time for Bed. We give Keats hugs and kisses and then he waves goodnight to Olive, to the lamp, to the kitchen, to his toys. Birch takes him to the nursery and Keats switches off the light, waves goodnight to the blinds (which are then closed), waves goodnight to his bunny lamp, his changing table, his rocking chair, his crib. Birch sings him to sleep in his arms. Naps during the day with me, same deal. Keats is a-dorable.

On Tuesday, Keats was playing with Olive, handing Olive her fox and taking it away again. Suddenly, he plops down in the middle of the living room floor, starts crying, waving frantically at Olive, at me, at the piano, at the lamp. Time for bed, little Keats, little Keats? Yes, sir. Nap time. Thanks for letting me know little buddy.

We took a trip down to San Juan Bautista on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday with my parents and brother. We ate at a lovely Mexican restaurant complete with a garden. Keats showed the family some of his walking skills and had a blast with his silly uncle. I ran into a friend from elementary school which was awesomely random and the entire town was crawling with chickens! All in all, adding in that delicious root beer float and the promise of some awesome antique shops, it was a beautiful little trip and a nice escape with family from the normal routine.

Walking down Main Street.

This rooster was real angry with me. Seriously.

Grandpa, Uncle Johnny, and Keats relaxing by the plaza.
Keats has been congested like crazy and coughing himself awake the last two nights. His nose is dripping so much I now have a cloth diaper practically affixed to my hand for wiping away... you know. Sick time means lots of cuddles and lots of mood swings, but thanks to Birch's selfless night duty, I'm feeling rested enough to take it on. Here's to daddy's! Keats' brain is definitely in sick mode and you can see the little wheels working overtime as he tries to process his surroundings and reminds himself how to crawl across the room. He's drinking lots of fluids, though, so hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.

First birthdays are coming up so soon and I can't wait! I'm especially excited to see little Tyler and family because it feels like ages since we saw them last! (In reality, it's only been a couple of months but when you live five minutes away, that's a bit more ridiculous.) I'm looking forward to seeing the fun things we mamas have in store for our little ones' big day! There will be pictures, you can count on that!

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