Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning: Week Three---Goals (April 23 - 30)

Last week's goals were almost entirely devoted to Keats' birthday party, so I'm glad to be getting back on track with things that just need to get done around the house.

Clean and change all bed linens
Write in journal or blog everyday
Box up any clothes Frida has outgrown
Write a love note to Birch
Clear off computer desk and repurpose
Put together new bookcase and reorganize books 
Bake a special treat
Send off package to England
Follow daily Spring Cleaning goals 

I'm excited to finally be achieving some kind of routine, especially when it comes to the kids. To me, that's the hardest part of having a newborn--you NEVER know when something will or won't happen. Everything is up in the air. We're switching Frida over to her very own crib soon and I must admit I cannot wait to get a tad more sleep each night. It'll be a rough transition, I'm assuming (Keats certainly had a rough time of it), but it's the best choice for us now that she's nearly six months old. Isn't THAT crazy? I can hardly believe it! More on her loveliness later...

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