Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Planning for My Insanity

It sometimes feels as if I'm constantly planning. Planning but never doing. Why? I'm not sure, but I think the most pressing reason is money. Of course. Each year my husband is paid early in December before going on winter break (he's a public high school teacher). This may seem awesome (and it sure feels awesome in December) but that paycheck is supposed to be for January and it is so hard to save it away for the new year. Each January we come up short (thanks to wonderful Christmas parties that have claimed a bit more than intended) and the ensuing late charges for a number of bills in February means we're tight then as well. By March we'll be back to normal and back living a bit easier.

This year though, I hope to plan better for our apparent inability to save during the holiday season. How? Jars. Yep, jars of cash. Debit and credit cards have become my overspending enemy. Currently we only use our credit cards exclusively for emergencies (like late bills we don't have the cash for) and we've actually cut a few from the lineup last year (yipee!), but these winter months really tempt us into spending more when the weather is dismal and sickness abounds. I mean, who wants to cook when everyone in the house is sneezing, coughing, and groggy? Enter: ordering delivery. Ugh. Too many times! My friend does this jar strategy already for her different bills and I've always thought it was a good idea. It is now time to admit copy cat and save ourselves some bucks. I'll grab some and label them for things like: savings, groceries, random spending, etc.

I'm also making a few special wallets (labeled as well) for when we go out. Frugality is the name of the game when Birch and I go out with limited cash (and no cards at our disposal). We actually tend to get more for less, like at the sort out table at the Farmer's Market. Do you have one at your market? I highly recommend it! We go every week and get several pounds (ten or so) of fresh, lovely, organic, and local vegetables for about $6.00. No joke. Yum! Oh, and a sort out table just means that the produce isn't pristine looking (jagged carrots, bruised apples, slightly wrinkly peppers, etc.). I got the idea for the wallets from a blog I follow, but didn't mark it down and now I can't find it. I'll update with the link when I do find it.

Looking forward to March and getting a bit more settled in our place, more organized, and getting Keats' playhouse FINALLY finished. Oh, boy.

Here's to planning efficiently and correctly and then DOING!

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