With Keats starting to fit into yet another set of clothing, eating all these "grown up" things, and just starting to walk, his fast coming toddler status is more and more apparent. On Saturday, to celebrate his friend little Sofie's first birthday, Keats was walking everywhere! To move from one place to another, he always started off walking. He fell down soon enough but it was so exciting to see him learning from his walking friend!
It's amazing how much Keats learns from his friends. When he was very little, he had no interest in playing with the hanging toys on his play mat. Not until he saw his friend playing away. Keats watched with deep interest and then the very next day when I placed him on the mat, BAM, he hit at a dangling lion! Several milestones have come about that way. And now, as he gets older and his mischievous personality comes to light, my suggestions for how he should do things go unheeded. I've tried for months to show him how to drink from his sippy cup, but not until my friend Leslie showed him did he finally get it. Maybe he's just sick of me by the end of the day and in a way turns me off, not in a bad way, understand. It all seems very natural. We play together, eat together, read together, talk to each other, and go for walks together. Several hours of being just with each other--no wonder Keats gets so excited and seems completely refreshed when he sees his daddy walk through the front door, just like me. I expect this situation will continue throughout our lives. It's hard to realize that my way of teaching my child may not always be the best way for him to learn. And that's why it's so completely important to be in a community. To have friends and family around that Keats can also look up to and learn from. I am so grateful for all of them, for all of you.

The next day we set up all the beautiful decorations she made at her home in the California woods. Terrariums, a fairy garden, and a moss wreath. Friends arrived, we ate delicious food, opened presents, ate cupcakes, and just plain enjoyed each others' company. It was such a fun party and so lovely. Little Sofia looked absolutely adorable with her fairy wings, tutu, and crown. Happy birthday Sofie! We love you so much!
so lovely!