Tuesday, June 17, 2014

a quick note to daisy

Because when one of your best friends exhibits such bravery to put her whole heart in the open, you respond. Even if that response is feeble and weak in comparison. You respond. I may never be the writer she has become and I may never be so brave, but I can do a better job of trying. In her heart there is an arrow that flies true. "Nothing dormant." So in that moment when it hit and hurt the most, I wrote what was first there. Highly imperfect:

a quick note to daisy

if i had a wish
a well
a bridge
a lamp

if I had a wish
my mind would go instantly blank
a pool of black ooze would move slowly
glubbing forward
blocking the holes
no escape

if I had a wish
no eyes would flash
no noses wiggle
no snaps of fingers

if I had a wish
that pool of black ooze would move slowly
gulping forward
blocking the holes
every escape
would go eventually black

and there in the black
sweet daisy
you would tease

there in the dark
sweet daisy
you have teased

if I had a wish
a well
a bridge
a lamp
sweet daisy you would be there
no pool of black could obscure your teasing finger
and no escape I’d need

if I had a wish
sweet daisy

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