Friday, July 30, 2010

My Lovely Miriam

Miriam and I have known each other since the 6th grade. We've written notes about boys, gossiped about girls, walked home together, skipped class together, cried and laughed together, lived together, pretended to be together to deflect unwanted advances, flaked on each other, always given our honest opinion to each other, raised kittens together, been annoyed with each other, driven cross-country together, visited each other in the hospital, bought each other lunch, and loved each other for over thirteen years.

Throughout my own pregnancy I had Miriam by my side, pregnant as well. I can't begin to tell you how perfect it was to have not only her support but her complete understanding during this time where a woman is simultaneously in the limelight and hushed away in a corner. Being able to discuss the nitty gritty details of what exactly happens to and inside a woman's body during this process helped me to deal with all the unpredictable moments that somehow become common place.

There were several points during the process where it was hard to imagine living without some of these discomforts and I longed for life to remind me of how glorious it is to be able to roll over, breathe freely, use abdominal muscles, lift things without being yelled at, eat soft cheeses and sushi with raw fish, walk for longer than three blocks without feeling winded, and countless other strange and unmentionable "activities." We discussed these at length while our men drank beers outside (sometimes in very cold weather) and talked about whatever men talk about. I'm assuming food, for the most part, knowing Birch. 

Photo by Seth Restaino
Now Miriam and I are both mamas. Her to a beautiful 6-month-old girl and me to a handsome 4-month-old boy. We get together as often as we can and have just committed to a weekly Baby Mama Group with a couple of our friends who are also new mothers. It's so fun to think that after years of talking about this time in our lives, we're finally here. I'm so proud of the two of us. Really, I am. We've grown up and become responsible adults capable of great things, namely our children, who bring out some beautiful and previously undiscovered parts of each of us. We both found men who love us and treat us more than well. They are loving partners and fathers, helpful and responsible, even doting. And very attractive, too, which always helps.

What an exciting journey to be on and to be so lucky as to share it so intimately with a dear, long-time friend is such a blessing one feels obligated to give thanks out loud. So, thank you my dear, loving friend. Thank you, Miriam, for all the love, care, laughter, and understanding you bring to my life and for the years we have yet to live together. I love you, Ladybird.

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